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1.Provide a range of plants that offer a succession of flowers through Spring, Summer and Fall.
2.Choose blue, purple, white, and yellow flowers – bee's favorite colors!
3.Include flowers in different shapes to accommodate many varieties of bees and other pollinators.
4.Plant flowers in clumps – 4 ft. in diameter or more if possible.
5.Plant where bees will visit – in the sun and sheltered from wind.
6.Scatter wildflowers in any spare patch of ground.
7.Let some space in your garden grow wild – bees like weeds!
8.Use local native plants – 4 times more attractive to bees! (see list below)
9.Provide a shallow basin with clean water for thirsty bees.
10. Don’t use pesticides. Check compost labels.
Native Plants That Attract Bees
Compiled by Steve Miller at
The Native Garden
602 S. Montezuma Street, Prescott, AZ 86303
Chocolate Flower
Woolly Butterfly Bush
Fendlers Sundrop
Blue Mist
Gregg’s Mist Flower
Purple Coneflower
Blackfoot Daisy
Cat Mint
Palmer’s Scented Penstemon
Mexican Hat
Autumn Sage
Trident Sage
Golden Zexmenia
Desert Zinnia
Prairie Zinnia
More on the Web:
Native Plant Guide: Local Prescott Arizona/Yavapai County
Attracting Beneficial Bee
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Safe RoundUp Alternatives for Weed Removal from your Property
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